Sunday, 26 August 2012

Living in the Present Moment

"Quit living in another time and place."

Living in the present moment is the most important thing to be learned if you want to be happy. But saying and doing it, are two different things. We are always stuck inside our own thoughts and tend to ignore small things going around us which takes us away from reality. These endless thoughts going inside our mind and day-dreaming sometimes has to be avoided so that you can come one step closer to the reality and feel the present moment.

While sitting at my workplace, a thought came to my mind, on how to actually live the present moment. Its not a magic trick, not a power meditation, but simply a way that you can try to direct your mind towards, so that you can actually understand "Present".

Try reading this and feeling what it says at the same time:

"Take a deep breath and feel the wind around you and come out of your mind. There is a world outside your mind which has always been there, but you never paid attention. Stop living your life as a single person. You just need to step out of it and see the light around, feel the fragrance around, listen to the sound of nature, imagine view of sky in the night, go inside the mind of a bird flying aimlessly and not thinking about returning to home. See the beauty inside every person you meet, the inner thoughts that everyone has in common, wrapped around the same stone which you've always been trying to break. But instead of trying it to break, trying to know what is inside of it, trying to understand it, is the very mistake you make.You just need to observe it without any intention of understanding it because when you do something without a reason, the reason comes itself to you and you can then feel the utmost contentment."

Try doing it multiple times, if you don't succeed at first. It will surely make your mind and heart feel good.

Got any comments, feel free to give!

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